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About the authors
English for the Australian Curriculum Book 1 draws on a wide variety of contemporary textual modes to encourage students to explore what texts tell us about ourselves, our place in the world, and how we communicate and interact with others.
The Interactive Textbook also includes:
Interactive Textbook (2 year access)
The online version of the student text delivers a host of interactive features to enhance the teaching and learning experience of the student text. It is accessed online through Cambridge GO using a unique 16-character code supplied with the Print Textbook, or available for purchase separately as a digital-only option.
The Interactive Textbook is available as a two-calendar-year subscription. Your subscription term is defined as follows: if activation occurs between January and July of this year, subscription concludes on 31 December in the following year. If activation occurs between August and December of this year, subscription concludes on 31 December in the year after the following. Digital resources are expressly available for personal use only. PDF Textbook
The downloadable PDF version of the student text enables students to take notes, highlight key passages, and bookmark pages. It is downloaded from Cambridge GO using the unique 16-character code that is included with the purchase of the Print Textbook and the Interactive Textbook.
Chapter 1: My story – our stories Chapter 2: Poetry activated Chapter 3: Getting animated – genre and narrative in animated films Chapter 4: Ghosts ghouls and doppelgangers – exploring gothic horror stories Chapter 5: Fairytales revamped Chapter 6: Meanwhile, somewhere else – three films from Iran Chapter 7: Daring to dream We want to give you the opportunity to view sample pages of our titles so it's easier for you to make decisions. A fully-balanced and integrated approach to language, literature, and literacy for the Australian Curriculum. Written for the Australian Curriculum, English for the Australian Curriculum privileges student experience, creative engagement with texts, moments of reflection and opportunities for deep thinking. The series provides a fully balanced and integrated approach to the study of language, literature and literacy, by drawing on the best in English teaching practice around the country. ALL TITLES IN SERIES:
"The range and quality of the resources, both print and visual, are immediately rich and compelling"
"The authors aim to promote rich pedagogies within and across the language, literature and literacy strand of the Australian Curriculum. This is achieved through playful engagement, big questions and immersive participation"
"There is an expectation throughout of robust enjoyment, a feeling that the writers want students to love English and 'value the power of the imagination and literary expression to provide pleasure and enrich life'"
"Overall, these are stimulating resources in tone and scope. Critical approaches underpin invitations to construct, compare, investigate and evaluate. Cognitively-demanding tasks are strengthened through individual and collective processes using graphic organisers, wikis and blogs. On multiple levels and in very diverse and intelligent ways, students' 'funds of knowledge' are mobilsed. There's a myriad of opportunities for students individually and collaboratively to extend imagination, communicate and create. These texts encourage me to wish I was still one of them." Reviewed English in Australia (AATE, Vol 48, Number 1, 2013). |
Year 7 / Year 8
Australian Curriculum / English
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This title includes the following components
Interactive Textbook