


Author, Greg Powers talks about how the CambridgeMATHS resources address the changes to the Stage 6 Syllabus

Our interview with Mathematics Standard author Greg Powers looks at how teachers and students are supported through the changes in the Stage 6 syllabus.

Cambridge University Press: How do the CambridgeMATHS Stage 6 Mathematical Standard resources help teachers to accommodate students working at the different levels?

GK Powers: Each exercise is divided into three levels. At level 1 questions develop understanding, fluency and communication. These questions are basic and straightforward in style to ensure early success. It caters for a student working at band 1 to 3. At level 2 questions develop problem solving, reasoning and justification. These questions extend and broaden students understanding of the concepts of the section. This level caters for a student working at band 4 to 5. And at level 3 questions challenge the knowledge and understanding of the top students. It caters for a student working at band 6.

CUP: Why is there one course in year 11 Mathematics Standard?

GKP: The syllabus specifies only one course in Year 11. Students should not be locked into a particular elective study (Standard 1 or Standard 2) in Year 11. Student’s knowledge, perceived ability and attitude can change over time, such as new students and NESB students.

CUP: What is the purpose of the preliminary preparation chapter?

GKP: The Preliminary preparation chapter is all the prerequisite (Stage 5) content specified in the syllabus. You can use this chapter in 2 ways. After year 10s have completed their yearly exam you can start them on year 11 using this chapter. It provides motivation to keep them working. Alternatively it can be used throughout year 11 as required for revision

CUP: How will the worked solutions provided in the Teacher Resource Package aid teachers?

GKP: Worked solutions are provided for all the questions in the textbook and additional content in the Teacher Resource Package. Worked solutions are easy to follow in a step-by-step format to every question and have been checked by three mathematicians. Worked solutions will save teacher’s time and can be issued to students to facilitate independent learning.

CUP: What additional resources are available in the Teacher Resource Package?

GKP: Each of these additional resources will support teachers through the new syllabus:

  • Worked solutions are easy to follow solutions in a step-by-step format to every question. 
  • Topic tests A and B are based on the knowledge, skills and understanding gained in each chapter. There is space for students to write their answers. Worked solutions are provided.
  • Revision worksheets – HSC standard questions provide further revision for each topic.
  • Literacy worksheets provide activities to help with mathematical terminology.
  • Lesson notes in PowerPoint slides contain comprehensive lesson notes and additional examples that can be used in class or given to students as tutorials.
  • Study guide in PowerPoint slides can be used for revision at the end of each chapter or as preparation for assessment tasks.
  • Practise papers 1 and 2 are written in the style of Year 12 papers, with fully worked solutions and a marking guideline.
  • Spreadsheet skills worksheets for use with the spreadsheet files throughout the text.
  • Scope and sequence charts provide overview of the topics for each term.
  • Teaching program and register that are easy to follow and use.
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