


Appropriate technology and ethical and responsible design

29 MARCH 2017
How might your students respond to ethical issues with emerging technology and medicine?



Finding resources that provide students of design and technology with examples of current design innovations can be challenging. Design and Technology: Stage 5 helps address this by embedding relevant case studies and activities within the chapters, encouraging students to apply design process; develop, communicate and justify solutions; and use technologies to meet identified needs and opportunities.

One of the case studies included in the chapter – Appropriate technology and ethical and responsible design – asks students to review three examples of where 3D printing has been used in surgery, then requires them to:

  • Identify some ethical issues relating to this emerging technology. 
  • Explain how the designers may respond ethically and responsibly to this innovation. 
  • Analyse how cultural and social factors determine the success of this innovation. 
  • Write a 400-word essay about whether this emerging technology is an appropriate technology.

“Designers have responsibilities to uphold when designing products, systems or environments. Three main responsibilities are ethics, honesty and environmental responsibility. Ethics plays an important part in the design profession.” (p.82 Design and Technology: Stage 5.)

Developed specifically for Year 9 and 10 students, Design and Technology: Stage 5 encourages students to analyse the activity of designers and apply design processes as they develop and produce creative design solutions. The Interactive Textbook offers additional interactive activities and rich media resources such as videos, image galleries and links to key websites to bring the study of design and technology to life, making it a complete resource package.



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