


Media Reframed VCE Units 1-4 with a unique Media Production Hub

17 AUGUST 2017
Media Production Hub - showcasing former students' experiences


Media Reframed VCE Units 1–4 includes a unique Media Production Hub in the Interactive Textbook. Click on the buttons below to view a preview of the Media Production Hub or a sample chapter of the printed book.

“I just remember being really stressed out all the time thinking how the hell am I going to finish this”. Former student Shanon McKenzie reflects on the difficulty she faced with time-management when she was producing her SAT. Ironically, this became the inspiration for her work, as you will see in her animated production Monday, which is featured in the Media Production Hub along with her pre-production story boards and a post-production interview.

“If there is any advice I can give to you in the writing process it would be to really use your peers, and your teachers and even your parents to look over what you’ve written so that they can see things that you might have missed.” Rachel Ivell chose to create a video for her SAT and relied heavily on her peers to advise her and find creative solutions for the problems she encountered.

Giving today’s students the opportunity to view the planning, finished work and reflections of recent graduates allows them to learn from their mistakes and be realistic about their own expectations, and will inspire them to be creative and bold in their productions.

The Media Production Hub covers the pre-production stage, the finished product for each medium – video, animation, photography, print and audio – and post-production, making it an invaluable tool for students as they put their theoretical knowledge into practice with their final VCE Media production.

This sample from the Media Production Hub includes:

  • a selection of student planning work, such as scripts and storyboards 
  • some finished student productions including videos and photo galleries, and 
  • some video interviews with students reflecting on the process and their work 

Available Term 4, 2017

Authors: Hugh Mason-Jones / Ben Hoban / Lauren Humphris / Lisa Blumenstein / Nick Booth / Vic Tietze / David Caust

9781316647950 Print and digital
9781108185585 Digital only


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